Mentoring Artist-in-Residence Schedule

These extraordinary artists are supported by ACA Mentoring Artist Endowment, funded by a $50,000 gift from each of these generous donors: Joe and Lynn Conte, Don Funk, Ed and Jeanie Harris, Roy and Peggy Hester, the Pabst State of Florida Cultural Endowment, Bob and Genie Stine, Jim and Alexis Pugh, Bryce West, and John M Jeronimo, FAIA.

Each residency, Atlantic Center for the Arts partners will Central Florida institutions to present our public colloquium series OUTreach, featuring talks from Mentoring Artists. To inquire about partnering with us to co-present a colloquium, please review and complete our Mentoring Artist Outreach Request Form.

For information on contributing to this endowment, please contact Executive Director Jennifer Coolidge at

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